The time to find my true self

Photo by Asiama Junior on

I was studying Korean with Youtube the other days and I discovered a nice quote in a video from the Knowledge talk channel that I found very inspirational and it resonates with what I’ve been trying to do myself for a while now, and that is to find my true self.

가짜 행복의 뒤를 쫓지 말고 진짜 나를 찾는 시간을 쫓아라.“(Erich Fromm), which means that one should chase the time to find his/her real self instead of chasing false happiness.

I found this quote very interesting because we often talk about happiness, but not that much about fake happiness. It’s like there is one recipe for happiness and we should all follow that recipe in order to get the result of becoming happy. But there are as many recipes for happiness as many people there are in the world.

This is why becoming happy is difficult. Nobody can tell you the way you can become happy. Only listening to yourself, knowing what you want and what you like can help you attain happiness. Also, happiness is not a final product. There is no complete happiness. Happiness is the sum of our efforts, it depends on how we see things, it also depends on the circumstances. Happiness is different for every single person and this is what makes it so special.

Knowing who we are, what we want and what we like can lead us closer to our own recipe for happiness. It’s not easy to find what you really like or want to do, and you might get lost in the process of finding who you really are. When I felt lost, I just tried to do more of the things I like, and soon I found my way again. I know I will get lost many times in the future, but it’s ok as long as I find more about myself and the things that I love.

Do you know what makes happy? Do you often do what makes you happy? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

One response to “The time to find my true self”

  1. This is a very thought-provoking post, because I’ve been doing exactly that—to discover myself. I believe that if a person is right, their world will be right, but we have to start from ourselves. We often do it the other way round and wonder why we’re not making any headway. Anyway, thanks for this post!

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