A traveler in my new town

The red sunset that I love…

Ever since I moved in this town, I promised myself to get outside more, to see more sunsets, to walk more and to simply observe from the side how the world transforms.

The weather is hot, but thanks to it, I learned to better organize myself. In the morning I work or run errands, in the evening I take walks, I exercise or I cook.

The town I live in at the moment is not new to me. But is not familiar either. Maybe this is why, moving here felt like a real change. I like small towns, so this was the most suitable place for me at the moment.

Even before moving, I said to myself not to get attached this time, as attachment brings expectations, thus disappointments. This time I would like to try more of a traveler mindset. I won’t be ashamed to ask the locals, I will watch the sunset like I wouldn’t see it again from the same place, I will take my time and discover new places like I would do if everything was totally unknown.

A traveler is also curious, so I will be curious and learn so many new things, find new spots, new restaurants, new green spaces.

Yesterday I went to a place where I have never been before. I’ve been many times in the town, but I never went to this place, even if I wished to go someday. I guess yesterday was that day. From afar, it seems to be a small island very close to the park I am writing this blog post right now. However, when you pass the bridge you find a hidden paradise, another park with lots of sculptures and sunny alleys. I felt like a child who discovered a secret garden and I looked closely at the sculptures like I would if I traveled some place new. Because in fact it really was new, fresh and exciting.

Night ambiance by the river

This traveler mindset that I am experimenting right now motivates me and inspires me. I also know that it won’t last forever, but rather than being anxious about the unknown that inevitably comes our way, embracing the new with a positive and excited mindset is the best choice we can make.

I hope you see the place you live in with different eyes everyday and be excited about the place you live in.

Thank you for reading 🙂

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